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The US Figure Skating membership year runs July 1 to June 30.
(Listed fees include both USFSA fees and club dues.)

New Skater or Renewing Skater  (Volunteer hours required)

ONLY $110

If the skater is a child 2-18 years of age, or an adult 19+ NOT enrolled in a university, college, or technical institution of higher learning, choose this option. This option includes 10 mandatory family volunteer hours. 

*Includes USFSA membership, subscription to skating magazine, test session eligibility, club harness use with club coach, show/clinic/recital participation (with our big show happening at Christmas). Voting privilege if skater is 18+ included.


New Skater/Renewing or Non Resident  (No Volunteer hours)


If you would like to opt out of volunteer hours or you live out of state where volunteering isn't possible, this option is for you. 

*Same benefits as listed above.


Subsequent Skater

New or renewing skater. Use this option for siblings of skaters already signed up under the First Skater membership. 

*Same benefits as listed above.


Collegiate Skater
(Covers 4 Years) If you are a skater 18 years old or older and currently enrolled in a university, college, or technical institution of higher learning, this is the option for you. Must have graduated high school.

Non Resident Collegiate skaters must opt out of volunteer hours yearly at the rate of 100.00.  

*Same benefits as First skater.


Associate Club Member

If you are already a full-member of USFSA through another club but want to participate in our events and activities then this is the option for you.  It's a great way to build your skating community of friends!


Parent Partner 


Required for all club officers and committee chairs.  Optional for any other parent who wishes to have a vote in club matters. 



Coach membership price is for your Home club.  


Associate Coach


This option is for a coach who's primary membership is with another club. 



* There is a $5.00 late fee for Renewing members only on or after July 1st.

©2024 by Peaks Figure Skating Club

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