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  1. Approval of Application for Membership: I understand that the PFSC Board of Directors must approve my application for membership. I understand the conditions and benefits of the membership category type I have chosen, and agree to pay all membership fees as indicated on this application. Acceptance of membership in PFSC subjects the member to the Code of Ethics of the Club and US Figure Skating. Each member is encouraged to support all Club activities as much as possible. The Club reserves the right to refuse or cancel any membership at any time. Parent Partner Membership has become the standard of practice among USFSA Clubs. This allows the family to have a vote on Board initiate initiatives.

  2. Volunteer Hours: The Club relies on volunteers to meet all of its staffing needs; there are NO paid employees. The generous efforts of our volunteers help keep the club overhead and membership dues as low as possible. Therefore, all club member families must volunteer at least ten (10) hours of service each skating season.  Sign-up sheets for the various events, competitions, exhibitions, and other activities – will be posted at the rink or links will be sent out for signups online via services such as GoogleDocs or VolunteerSpot. You might be called by a committee chair or a board member for specific volunteer assignments. If you would like to help but have a special situation, such as need to volunteer from home or only during certain hours, please contact a PFSC board member. Please record your hours and submit them to the committee chair organizing the event, the Club Secretary or the Volunteer Committee Chair. New Club members joining after January 1st must also complete a minimum of 10 volunteer hours. Members may opt out of volunteer service by paying a $100.00 donation in lieu of service hours. Associate member families must volunteer 10 hours annually or pay $100.00 to opt out. The success and growth of the Club depends on each family being committed and supporting the Club through volunteer hours. Members who exceed the annual requirement in service hours will receive a discount towards next season’s membership fees at a rate of $1.00 per each hour exceeding 20 hours, up to $20.00 maximum, reflecting 40 hours or more of volunteer service. Associate members may receive the same discount.

  3.  Members who do not meet the minimum requirement of volunteer hours will not be allowed to join the club the following season.

  4.   Note: While adult attendance at board meetings can count towards volunteer hours, parents do not receive credit for their children participating in Junior Club activities at the same time as board meetings.

  5. Donation of Items In Lieu of Volunteer Hours: Members are permitted to donate items they have purchased for the club in lieu of volunteer hours at the rate of $10 in donations for each volunteer hour up to the equivalent of half the required volunteer hours, e.g., 5 hours for a single skater family. Receipts must be submitted to the volunteer chair as evidence of purchase. These receipts are not eligible for reimbursement.

  6. Membership Fees: Membership fees cover only the direct costs (USFSA membership and Skating magazine, a portion of ice time, socials, and gifts) the club incurs on behalf of your skater. All additional budget items associated with operating the club (such as but not limited to ice time, phone, copier, office supplies, awards, insurance, postage, and printing) must be covered through fundraisers and sponsors. THEREFORE, all members are required to help with fundraising and/or finding sponsors. (See #6 below.)

  7. Keeping Membership Current: All members must keep their membership fees current.  Fees paid after June 30th will incur a $5.00 late fee. Membership may be paid in three installments. The first installment is due with application and may be for no less than $50.00 or the total of fees due if under $50.00. The second and third installments are due the 1st day of the next two consecutive months at no less than 50% of the remaining balance due for the second installment, and balance in full with the third and final installment. In addition, competition fees, test fees, ice fees, and any other monies paid for skating costs to PFSC or any other USFSA club must be current. If not, the skater is not a member in good standing of PFSC and will not be allowed to test, compete, exhibit or perform in shows.

  8. Fundraising: Member dues cover only a portion of PFSC’s annual budget. However, PFSC must raise funds to supply the remainder of the funds needed for the budget to cover operational costs. Fundraising opportunities include major competitions and show performances hosted by PFSC, test sessions, donut sales, car washes, Quickstoves, etc. All members need to support these and all other Club fundraisers for the Club’s continued success. Each skater/family must participate in at least 2 (two) fundraising activity and/or acquire at least 1 (one) sponsor for the club (donation of at least $100) in addition to participating in the Christmas show and selling tickets for the Christmas show or pay a fundraising opt-out fee of $150 (per skater). Please note that for each fundraiser such as donut sales, Quickstoves, etc. there will be a minimum sales requirement which must be met. Skaters and their families will be expected to make up the shortfall.

  9. Reimbursement requests must be accompanied by a completed reimbursement request form and all applicable receipts for purchases made on behalf of the club. Each committee will have a budget. Committee chairs are responsible to inform those on their committee of the budget for events and activities and to notify the Treasurer if the budget must be exceeded.


I have read the Peaks Figure Skating Club Standing Rules above and I agree to abide by the current Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Peaks Figure Skating Club and the USFSA Rulebook. I understand the conditions and benefits of the membership category I have chosen. I agree that dues are payable as specified on this application form and I will volunteer during the upcoming year to support Club operations.

©2024 by Peaks Figure Skating Club

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